September 29, 2022

Numbers 13:2 says, “Send thou men, that they may search the land of Canaan, which I give unto the children of Israel: of every tribe of their fathers shall ye send a man, every one a ruler among them.”

Canaan was a land that flowed with milk and honey (v. 27); a land of blessing, peace, and prosperity (Ex. 6:8). God told Moses that He already gave the title deed of Canaan to the people of Israel. They were commanded to “go in and possess the land”. {Deut. 1:8} It was already determined by God, in His perfect will, that they march into Canaan and claim what He had already provided for them (Gen. 17:8).

As God’s children, He did not save us just to walk around in a desert of misery and spiritual defeat (Rom. 3:10-18). He saved us so that we might enjoy victory and blessings in Him (Rom. 8:37)! Just as the people of Israel were brought out of bondage from the land of Egypt (Ex. 20:2), God has set us free from the bondage of sin (John 8:36) to give us a new and abundant life in the Lord Jesus Christ (John 10:10)! Sadly, many Christians never reach that place of victory. Instead, they live with much anxiety, and often below God's standard for their lives. Many never reach their Canaan because they are constantly in doubt and fearful over the condition of their soul (1st John 3:6-9) – they secretly battle some recurring sins in their lives (Rom. 7:15-20). Some spend most of their time worrying about every little thing in life (Phil. 4:6-7).

Folks, this is not God’s plan for us! We need to realize that He already made a way for us to be victorious over the sins we face (1st Cor. 10:13). We just need to trust Him in what He can do for our lives (1st Pet. 5:7). Realize that God, according to His Word, wants us to have a victorious Christian life (1st Cor. 15:57). We must claim His precious promises as we face the battles of life!

Pastor Melito Barrera (Berean Bible Baptist Church of Chula Vista, California)