September 25, 2022

Izaak Walton related that George Herbert went through a year of illness from which he was ultimately cured, but which left him with other painful health maladies. Izaak wrote:

"And it is to be noted, that in the sharpest of his extreme fits he would often say, 'Lord, abate my great affliction, or increase my patience: but Lord, I repine not; I am dumb, Lord, before Thee, because Thou doest it.'

"By which, and a sanctified submission to the will of God, he shewed he was inclinable to bear the sweet yoke of Christian discipline, both then and in the latter part of his life, of which there will be many true testimonies."

Walton also stated, "...thus lowly, was Mr. George Herbert in his own eyes, and thus lovely in the eyes of others."