September 16th, 2022

"In Romans 1:16, Paul said, 'For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.'

"But how can people respond to a warning they've never received, or believe a Gospel they've never heard? How are they going to receive a Saviour that nobody's told them about? How are they going to get deliverance from hell if they are unaware that they are in jeopardy?"

"God said that our job is warning. I'm not in the job of saving people or racking up statistics. I am commanded to warn people, and I ought to reach everyone I can, go as far as I can with everyone who will listen, and be as persuasive as I can be. But my main job is warning men, women, and children of their need of a Saviour."

Evangelist Dennis Corle, editor of 'Revival Fires'!